Jing Wu 吳靖
Associate Professor (tenured), Department of Decisions, Operations and Technology, CUHK Business School
Director, Asian Institute of Supply Chains & Logistics (AISCL)'s Development Office, CUHK
Director, MSc in Business Analytics, CUHK
Senior Scientist, The Laboratory for AI-Powered Financial Technologies Limited (AIFT)

Jing Wu is a tenured professor at CUHK Business School, where he directs the Asian Institute of Supply Chains & Logistics Institute Development Office. He received his Ph.D. (major in operations management, minor in economics and finance) and MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and his bachelor in electronic engineering from Tsinghua University. Professor Wu’s research focuses on global supply chains, operations-finance interface, artificial intelligence and LLM. His work has been published in top journals such as Management Science, M&SOM, and Information System Research. His insights are featured in leading magazines such as MIT Sloan Management Review, the Economist, and Forbes. His research on the supply chain impacts of COVID-19 and the Trade War has been covered by over 400 media worldwide. Prof. Wu serves as an Associate Editor for M&SOM, a Senior Editor for POMS, and a committee member for INFORMS and other international academic conferences. Prior to his academic career, he worked as a Quantitative Strategist at Deutsche Bank in New York. He is actively hiring motivated Ph.D. applicants, and His former Ph.D. graduates are placed in HKUST, Tongji, Tilburg, etc.
Research Interests

Research Paper
Associate Editor, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (M&SOM), 01/2024 - Present
Senior Editor, Production and Operations Management, 11/2022 - Present
Editorial Review Board, Journal of Operations Management, 03/2023 - Present
Active Referee for
Management Science
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
Review of Financial Studies
Information Systems Research
Production and Operations Management
Journal of Operations Management
Research Grants
Competitive Grants
PI, NSFC Young Researcher Fund 2022/2023, Global Supply Chain Risks and Restructuring: An Empirical Study, RMB300,000, 01/01/2023-12/31/2025
Co-I, General Research Fund 2021/2022, Corporate Equality and Diversity: The Roles of Sell-Side Analysts and Buy-Side Institutions, HK$730,000, 01/01/2023-12/31/2025
PI, General Research Fund 2021/2022, Globalization 2.0: Supply-Chain Restructuring after Sino-US Trade War and Covid-19 Pandemic, HK$688,293, 01/01/2022-12/31/2024
PI, General Research Fund 2020/2021, Labor Skills on Firm Performance: A Study from Unstructured Online Job Postings, HK$406,000, 01/01/2021-12/31/2023
Co-I, General Research Fund 2020/2021, Supply-Chain Coordination of Human Capital Investment, HK$502,490, 01/01/2021-12/31/2022
Non-Competitive Grants
PI, CUHK Business School Faculty Direct Fund, HK$40,000, 2020-2021
PI, CUHK Business School Faculty Direct Fund, HK$50,000, 2019-2020
PI, City University of Hong Kong Strategic Research Fund, HK$100,000, 2017-2019
PI, City University of Hong Kong Start-Up Fund, HK$200,000, 2016-2019
Awards and Honors
2023 M&SOM Meritorious Service Award
2023 Young Researcher Award, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
2022 China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM) Best Paper Award
2021 M&SOM Meritorious Service Award
2021 The 13th International Conference of the Chinese Scholars Association for Management Science and Engineering (CSAMSE) Best Paper Award
2020 M&SOM Meritorious Service Award
2019 The 12nd International Conference of the Chinese Scholars Association for Management Science and Engineering (CSAMSE) Best Paper Award
2016 The Farsight Award, Long Finance's London Accord
2015 Fama-Miller Center Grant for Research in Finance
2014 John and Serena Liew Fellowship, Chicago Booth
2011 Sydney Davidson PhD Fellowship, Chicago Booth
2011 Tsinghua University Outstanding Graduate (top 1%)
2009-2011 First-Class Scholarship for Academic Excellence, Tsinghua University
2009 UGVR Scholarship, Stanford University
Conference Organization
Founding Chair, Workshop on Empirical Operations Management (WEOM), 2024.
Program Chair, The 9th International Conference on Smart Finance, 2024
Track Chair (Supply Chain Management), POMS, 2024
Track Chair (iFORM Cluster), INFORMS, 2023.
Platform Chair, The 9th International Conference on Smart Finance, 2024
Track Chair (Finance and Operations Management), The 7th International Conference on Smart Finance (ICSF), 2022.
Track Chair (Finance and Operations Management), POMS 32nd Annual Conference, 2022.
Track Chair (Finance and Operations Management), POMS 31st Annual Conference, 2021.
Committee Member, Conference of Unsolved Problems (CUHK SOUP), 2021
Program Committee and Chair for Career Fair: POMS-HK Conference, Hong Kong, 2019.