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Research Outputs and Publications
(Citations: 851, Source: Google Scholar as of June 24, 2024)
Journal Papers
Supply Chain Management
Global Supply Chain Restructuring During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Yimeng Niu, Niklas Werle, Morris A. Cohen, Shiliang Cui, Vinayak Deshpande, Ricardo Ernst, Arnd Huchzermeier, Andy Tsay, Jing Wu, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, minor revision
Bullwhip Effect in the Servitized Supply Networks
Yimeng Niu, Jing Wu, Shenyang Jiang, and Zhibin Jiang, Management Science, forthcoming
AI Intensity and Firm Resilience: Evidence from Firm Performance under Disaster Shocks
Miaozhe Han, Hongchuan Shen, Jing Wu, Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, Information System Research, conditional accept.
Equal Employment Opportunity in Supply Chains
Ling Cen, Yanru Han, and Jing Wu, Production and Operations Management,2024.
The Right Way to Mix and Match Your Customers
William Schmidt, Nikolay Osadchiy, and Jing Wu, MIT Sloan Management Review, Summer Issue, 2021.
Supply Chain Nearshoring in Response to Regional Value Content
Jonathan Hsu, Zhi Li, and Jing Wu, fast-track 1-round revision
Financial Statement Comparability and Global Supply Chain Relations
Jie Peng, Boluo Liu, Jing Wu, and Xiangang Xin, Journal of International Business Studies, 2023.
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Global Sourcing of Medical Supplies
Senay Agca, John R. Birge, and Jing Wu, European Society of Medicines, 2022
Operations-Finance Interface
Sourcing from Suppliers with Financial Constraints and Performance Risk
Christopher S. Tang, S. Alex Yang, and Jing Wu, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2018.
Working Papers
Geopolitics and Global Supply Chains
Political Ideology and Global Sourcing
Ben Charoengwong, Jie Peng, Jing Wu, in revision
To Comply or Not to Comply: Understanding Developing Country Supply Chain Responses to Russian Sanctions
Haishi Li, Zhi Li, Ziho Park, Yulin Wang, Jing Wu, in revision
Decoupling or Indirect Connections? The U.S.-China Trade War and Global Supply Chain Rerouting
Vernon Hsu, Boya Peng, Jing Wu, in revision
Sustainable Operations
The Rise of Conscious Consumers: The Cash Flow Implications of Corporate Workplace Equality
Ling Cen, Yanru Han, Chang Liu, and Jing Wu, in revision.
Are Firms Disclosing Emissions Voluntarily Greener?
Yilin Shi, Christopher S. Tang, and Jing Wu, in revision
Supply Chains Management
Artificial Intelligence Along the Supply Chain
Ling Cen, Yanru Han, Jiaping Qiu, and Jing Wu, in revision.
Portfolio Approach to Cash Flow Variability
Nikolay Osadchiy, William Schmidt, and Jing Wu, in revision
Labor Coordination and Division: Human Capital Investment in Supply Chains
Ling Cen, Michael Hertzel, Zi'ang Wang, and Jing Wu, in revision.
The Spillover Effect of Customer CEO Myopia on Supplier Firms
Yifan Jia, Zheng Wang, Jing Wu, and Zilong Zhang, in revision.
Operations-Finance Interface
The Hidden World of Trade Credit: The Flexibility Role of Late Payment
Jing Wu, Hsiao-Hui Lee, and John R. Birge, in revision.
Cash Smoothing Role of Trade Credit for a Dual-channel Supplier: Theory and Evidence
Jie Ning, Yu Tang, Jing Wu, Jiaqi Zhu, in revision.
Supply Chain Network Structure and Firm Returns
Jing Wu and John R. Birge, in revision
Spillover of Customer CDS on Supplier Disclosure
Matthew Cedergren, Ting Luo, Jing Wu, Yue Zhang, in revision
Book Chapters
The Impact of Servicization of Manufacturing Firms on Bullwhip Effects
Shenyang Jiang, Zhibin Jiang, Yimeng Niu, Jing Wu (2023), Foundations and Trends® in Technology, Information and Operations Management: 16 (3–4). pp. 304-317, 2023.
Supply Chain Structure and Competitor Relationship
Jing Wu and Yang Xu (2020), The Oxford Handbook of Supply Chain Management, 2020.
Financing Suppliers under Performance Risk
Christopher S. Tang, S. Alex Yang, and Jing Wu (2019), Foundations and Trends in Technology, Information and Operations Management, 12 (2-3). 135-151.
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